Super Perigee Moon

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Member: Alfresco
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About This Image

The full moon at its closest possible distance from Earth on 19 March 2011. This won't happen again for 18 years. It's also less than a day from the Vernal Equinox. With such a confluence of events I had to get a picture of the occasion, even though it looks very much like most full moons. The March full moon has various names, including the Crow Moon, the Worm Moon, and the Sap Moon.


bubbalinn - Mar 25, 2011 09:09 AM EDT
Well DUH... I guess I should have read the comments before asking about the settings.. I have been using ISO 200 and 400 now and then, I'll crank mine up next time. Thanks :-) ~Alan~
bubbalinn - Mar 25, 2011 08:47 AM EDT
Excellent Photo Bruce! Great exposure and sharpness. Here in Arizona where I live the dumb clouds were out. I have the XTi and a 70-300mm and was wondering what settings you used? I have the most trouble with the moon in black sky's, but luck out now and then. ~Alan~
Alfresco - Mar 23, 2011 12:25 AM EDT
Thanks for the comments, everyone! Art, I used a Canon 55-250mm lens at 250mm, ISO 800, 1/400 sec. at f/16. This was the best of about 15 exposures at a bunch of different settings. Camera was handheld, lens was image stabilized. The image was significantly cropped, and fiddled with and sharpened in PSP X3.
A.Lovely - Mar 22, 2011 05:39 PM EDT
Wonderfully captured capture of the moon. I did look out and view the moon but I can't seem to get a good capture with the lens I have. It was beautiful that night.
Art57 - Mar 21, 2011 07:43 PM EDT
Nice capture. I'm curious what your camera settings were. I took some handheld but haven't put them on the computer yet.
Zoya - Mar 20, 2011 12:42 PM EDT
Very nice shot. I had to try and get one myself last night. however the results will not go on here.
talsi - Mar 20, 2011 07:30 AM EDT
Nice clear shot

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