sunset at 38000 ft.

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Member: MalcolmRobison
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About This Image

This was my first time to fly and it was on my 54th birthday.These pictures are over the Texas Mexican border on the way to Monterrey Mexico.The most beautiful clouds and sunset I've ever seen.


Karen Moen - Apr 11, 2009 11:52 PM EDT
What a lovely birthday present for you. A great way to view the skies.
Art57 - Apr 11, 2009 08:33 PM EDT
Yes, the clouds are unbelievable being seen from an airplane. Your first flight? How did you like it?
azkul - Apr 11, 2009 07:10 PM EDT
I love to look out the window for the first and last 10 minutes of a flight - being horizontal with the clouds gives such an awesome vantage point. There are massive columns, awesome highlights and shadows, and shapes that you just can't fathom from the ground. One of the coolest sights I've ever seen was when I flew from Tampa Florida to Salt Lake City Utah when Hurricane Katrina was on its way to Louisiana. There were massive cloud pillars laid out in somewhat of an arc, which reminded me of an ancient Greek ruin or perhaps Stonehenge. I imagine that they probably formed a circle, but I couldn't see the whole thing from where I was at. I didn't realize it was part of Katrina at the time, nor did I realize it when I drove through the edge of it on the way to the Airport. It was a few days later when Katrina was all over the news when I realized that those pillars and massive cloud formations was actually part of that monumental hurricane.

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