Sunken Garden

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About This Image

"As Mr. Butchart exhausted the limestone in the quarry near their house, his enterprising wife, Jennie, conceived an unprecedented plan for refurbishing the bleak pit. From farmland nearby she requisitioned tons of top soil, had it brought to Tod Inlet by horse and cart, and used it to line the floor of the abandoned quarry. Little by little, under Jennie Butchart's supervision, the abandoned quarry blossomed into the spectacular Sunken Garden." Captured at Butchart Gardens, Victoria, British Columbia.


Jas - Aug 12, 2008 06:19 AM EDT
You've captured this so well! There are so many different shapes, colours and textures in your shot; also great depth, leading the eye from the yellow flowers, in the foreground, to the two cone shaped trees and beyond. Interesting description too - thanks. Well done! :)
Art57 - Aug 11, 2008 05:37 PM EDT
Looks like a beautiful area.

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