Sun Rise

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Score: 17.63
Views: 270
Member: lorraine
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About This Image

Rays of sun early in the morning through trees.


Guest - May 23, 2007 04:22 PM EDT
Thakyou Alandra, This was really a good luck shot I was out photographing a lake and turned around and saw this, right place at the right time for a change, thanks.
Guest - May 23, 2007 03:21 PM EDT
Absolutely wonderful, Lorraine! Sorry to be so late with this comment, but have only this moment seen this lovely image. I hope you are going to put it on your wall! One of the most spectacular pic of sun's rays I've ever seen.
Guest - Apr 24, 2007 10:41 PM EDT
Thankyou Tania, i'm pleased you like it.
Guest - Apr 24, 2007 09:14 PM EDT
Lorraine this is beautiful
Guest - Apr 24, 2007 08:05 PM EDT
Thankyou so much dhurt and whittler for looking in and the kind comments, I pleased that you both like this.
Guest - Apr 24, 2007 07:12 PM EDT
WOW!!WOW!!WOW!!a super shot.
Guest - Apr 24, 2007 06:04 PM EDT
Sunbeams are so cool! Nice capture lorraine.
Guest - Apr 24, 2007 03:08 AM EDT
Thankyou Steve, it was quite misty and fresh that early in the morning, the sun rays through this tree made getting out in the cold worth while.
Guest - Apr 24, 2007 02:03 AM EDT
A spectacular sunburst, Lorraine. This is a beautiful image, but being there and seeing this must have been even more uplifting.
Guest - Apr 23, 2007 11:44 PM EDT
Thankyou Golda for looking in and the very kind comments, I'd have liked to have got a little lower but there was a fence in the way.
Guest - Apr 23, 2007 10:37 PM EDT
Wow,this is really beautiful.
Guest - Apr 23, 2007 08:11 PM EDT
Thankyou Alan, all those rays came from the sun shining through that tree, no special effects I'm glad to say, thought I'd got a sun flare across the lens at the time, but I cant see anything.
Guest - Apr 23, 2007 07:03 PM EDT
Beautiful view Lorraine, I have never seen so many sun rays in one shot.

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