sun rays

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Views: 875
Member: Zoya
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sun rays reaching out from behind the clouds


Guest - Dec 29, 2005 06:58 PM EDT
YES! It is a precious angel pup who greets our beloved pets and shows them the way to rainbow bridge to await for us! GRRRREAT SHOT! GRRRREAT REASSURANCE!
Guest - Sep 11, 2005 02:08 PM EDT
I think this is the angel that greets our pet dogs when they die.
Guest - Aug 02, 2005 11:32 AM EDT
looks like a poodle to me with wings
Guest - Jul 22, 2005 12:15 PM EDT
Great shot, I agree that it looks like a angelic dog.
Guest - May 04, 2005 03:12 PM EDT
cool likes like an angelic dog. the rays of light look like wings on the dog
Guest - Mar 19, 2005 04:01 PM EDT
Thank you. Glad you like it T
Guest - Mar 19, 2005 12:27 AM EDT
what a cool shot!
Guest - Sep 23, 2004 06:37 PM EDT
ok you know I never looked at teh cloud to see what I might find in it/. I love iot now that you said it it does look like a don ROFLMBO Z
Guest - Sep 22, 2004 07:49 PM EDT
Nice shot, looks like my sisters dog.
Guest - Sep 20, 2004 06:49 PM EDT
Thnk you Deb and Alandra for comments. Glad you like it
Guest - Sep 19, 2004 09:55 PM EDT
A very pretty shot. You can almost feel the light shifting....
Guest - Aug 19, 2004 11:43 PM EDT
love those rays. maybe it's something to do with the time of year

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