Stray cat

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Late this past fall we had this stray cat that started coming around the house, at first it would stay just out at the edge of the woods and she would make this little squeak like noise, not a meow..It looked half starved so we started putting out some food for it, well days went by and one day my wife was outside and she got down and called to it and it came over and she started petting it and it became quite friendly..We already had a indoor cat and she was not keen to the idea of another cat being around, well, the weather was getting colder and we had to do some thing with this cat. We put notices at the local vets and adds on the radio but nobody called, so we decided to let her inside, the other cat hissed and carried on but no fights..We had her inside for about a month and she goes into heat, well, this is a very noisy situation, all hours of the night, sooooo, off to the vets to fix the situation and have some shots and now she's settled in to her new home, say hello to Squeakers...


talsi - Jan 30, 2009 10:30 AM EDT
That's greaat that you took in this stray cat - She's very lucky to have found you folks. And nice portrait.
Guest - Jan 08, 2008 02:11 PM EDT
Yes we do these things, just can't stand to see an animal cold and left out, shes a beautiful cat, Nice to see she has found a kind home, good luck with her.

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