Staircase Viaduct

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Score: 17.98
Views: 674
Member: Maitai Valley Railway
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About This Image

The mighty articulated locomotive is hauling a mixed goods train over a scale model of a real viaduct that is 500mm long on the layout and 75 metres high in real life. Again the painted backscene shows how real depth can be added to a scene. There is a 500mm gap between the viaduct and the backscene to enable me to walk right around the layout. The effect of a deep canyon is in no part due to my skill as a landscape artist
in creating tonal depth.


Guest - Jun 28, 2007 04:41 PM EDT
Great layout M.V.R, how long has it taken to get to this stage,as I have just started a layout for the first time as a model train hobbiest,regards Vince

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