Spiral Staircase

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Member: Dudley
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About This Image

This is at Houmas House. Unfortunately, we can not take many pictures inside the house. There were some things I would have liked to take such as a vampire kit and Andrew Jackson's Liquor Cabinet.


Guest - Oct 10, 2007 02:49 PM EDT
Thanks!!! I love it.
Guest - Oct 09, 2007 07:24 AM EDT
great image, Dudley. not sure how I missed this one before.
Guest - Aug 01, 2007 11:58 AM EDT
Imagine walking up and down it carrying dishes. SOme of the slaves and later servents did just that.
Guest - Jul 31, 2007 09:57 PM EDT
GReat image - but it does make me feel dizzy.
Guest - Jul 18, 2007 11:48 AM EDT
Thanks!! How can I answer this? Hmmm I could,of course, lie and say I intended it to be profound and gave it much thought and make you think that I or I could say the truth that the tour guide said if you want a great picture, take a shot of the staircase which some took a shot merely of the stairs and I looked up and saw a different angle and shot it.
Guest - Jul 18, 2007 11:10 AM EDT
Dang dud great composition did you intend for it to be so profound or was it just a neat picture? excellent picture
Guest - Jul 15, 2007 05:46 AM EDT
You are quite welcome!! Glad you enjoyed!!
Guest - Jul 14, 2007 11:59 PM EDT
This caught my eye right away! I love it. And I, too, would've been a bit dizzy! Great shot, thanks for sharing! Shawna
Guest - Jul 13, 2007 01:31 PM EDT
Thanks!! It was a worth while trip to the Houmas House, lots of great things to take pictures of. Someone with better experience would have taken even better pictures.
Guest - Jul 13, 2007 05:51 AM EDT
Beautifully captured image with gorgeous light and form. Well done.
Guest - Jul 12, 2007 11:56 AM EDT
I did get dizzy. What I did was I looked up once, that got me dizzy, and then positioned my camera without looking up and shot it. Then I looked at the picture and said that is what I want. I knew that with digital if it did not come out right, then I could delete it. Thankfully, I did not have to delete the first one.
Guest - Jul 11, 2007 07:20 PM EDT
Lovely photo Dud,I would of got dizzy photographing this one. Carol

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