Spectro-Navigator (part two)

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The evening had grown dark and the light from the full moon was enough for my Spectro-Navigator to take a reading,a headless sulphur cloud looked angry amounst the unsettled gases which hung above a huge blue ice-burge on the horizon,I could see that I had missed the uninhabited island and had landed here as my concentration was lapsing and eyes drawing heavy.
The local vessels were gearing up and chinging chains filled the airwaves,this unused watch tower was to be my cover till first light.The stars seemed closer than ever before and almost felt like they were gaining on me like in a time warp.(to be continued)

Part two: continues from Krypton Sundown,this is a slice of imagination created as I edited and played with images for a few hours.

Taken from the top of Pidgeon Mountain in East Auckland with Browns Island sited in the Harbour of Auckland, the barb wire from a farm fence at the bottom of the frame adding a bit of character and the top is a branch that mutated with one of the effects given.The outside frame is a Vignetting tool/botton,with adjustments of brightness and contrast slightly up on the scale given.

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regards Vince.


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