Snowy Patio - 2003 New Years Eve

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Member: alandrapal
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this was taken 2003 New Years Eve. It looked very pretty. We don't get snow that often here, some winters we get none, and it never lasts that long. This was all gone a few days later, hard to believe.


Guest - Nov 26, 2005 04:15 PM EDT
thanks Alex. you must have had a fair dumping after the first one then.
Guest - Nov 26, 2005 11:45 AM EDT
agree with you, Lulu, - it's something we can do without. People around our area feel quite insulted when it snows here, as we like to think it doesn't happen in our area, LOL. Some winters we don't get any, or any hard frosts, but some winters we will get a dumping, which might last a few days, but is usually gone quite soon, thank goodness
Guest - Nov 25, 2005 10:16 PM EDT
Wow, time flies. Its nearly a year ago when I was in the middle of snow like this over your side of the world. Yes, its very pretty but you sure get sick of it. Everyone back here couldn't believe it when we told them that as its always been a dream to have a white christmas. We usually just go swimming :-)
Guest - Nov 25, 2005 02:43 PM EDT
thanks Les and Susan, NZ : ) well, I don't like snow, but it was lovely when it first fell, and so peaceful and quiet in our crescent, all the sounds seem to be muffled by the snow, -- so I had a good time out there with the Labs. they love the snow of course : )
Guest - Nov 25, 2005 02:08 PM EDT
WOW!! nice shot,that snow looks like our yard this morning.
Guest - Nov 25, 2005 12:07 AM EDT
A great shot Alandra. You were brave to go out and take it. I hope our New Year's Eve is not quite like that even though it is very pretty
Guest - Nov 24, 2005 03:38 PM EDT
thanks Carol. am glad I dug this batch of "oldies" out : ) It's too bad I hadnt got the pics before DH shovelled off the patio area, as it would have looked wonderful with all the untouched snow. it's all chopped up where he shovelled it to one side : )
Guest - Nov 24, 2005 02:54 PM EDT
Beautiful picture of the snow. Carol

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