Snowy Owl, wild, wings raised 07

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Member: alandrapal
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Snowy Owl, in the wild, side view with its wings raised as he flaps from one log to the other.


Guest - Mar 17, 2007 05:37 PM EDT
many thanks for the nice comments, Alex and Steve. Glad you like them, I'd have liked to go back again yesterday to watch them, but DH had work to do outside, plus my memory cards are all full, lol, and today it's raining.
Guest - Mar 17, 2007 03:54 PM EDT
Tremendous action shot of the owl, Alandra. OK, it might not be absolutely perfectly sharp, but I actually think that enhances the image, since it preserves the sensation of movement.
Guest - Mar 17, 2007 09:30 AM EDT
WOW!! great owl shots Alandra.
Guest - Mar 17, 2007 02:15 AM EDT
I do love the feathered legs and feet also, Lorraine, and heard they also have thicker pads on their feet also, for the snowy regions where they spend part of the time. Yes, in winter they turn white, apparently, so they are camouflaged with the snow. I believe the adult males are white also, and the adult females and young are speckled more.
Guest - Mar 16, 2007 10:42 PM EDT
The feathered feet look great, sorry I don't know much about these birds, so if this is there summer colors I assume in the winter they must be all white? a great shot.
Guest - Mar 16, 2007 08:42 PM EDT
thanks Janice, glad you like it. I'd like to get a really good sharp one of one of these owls in flight. One man there told me he got one of a snowy flying straight towards him the other day (am envious, lol)-- hope you get to see an owl before long.
Guest - Mar 16, 2007 08:39 PM EDT
Great shot. I have never seen an owl yet. Well anyhow great detail and love the action shot of the owl taking off.
Guest - Mar 16, 2007 06:47 PM EDT
thanks very much, Karen, for the nice comments. Yes, it was wonderful viewing these gorgeous owls yesterday (despite getting wind-beaten there - which always tires me). But couldn't leave, as was so captivated by the sight of them. DH fell asleep in the SUV while waiting for me lol. I believe these are immature snowies, but don't know that much about them, except how gorgeous they are.
Guest - Mar 16, 2007 06:30 PM EDT
Lucky you to witness such a beautiful bird. I see it has changed to its summer color, so I guess winter is over. Love the feather detail.

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