Snow Boat

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Score: 13.5
Views: 116
Member: TMR8
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About This Image

This is a viking ship play ground equipment in Dannevirke NZ. The playground looked wonderful with snow everywhere then in the background the pink snow of the Ruahine Rangers. It was worth an early morning cold slippery walk


TMR8 - Aug 20, 2008 08:08 PM EDT
Lorraine the weather is improving and I am getting more comfortable with my new enviroment. I thought I can not let this go buy without capturing it as it may not happen again for another 5 or so years. Gives me an extra push to get out there.
lorraine - Aug 20, 2008 07:55 PM EDT
Very nice Tania, looks lovely with the snow about, watch for that ice. looks like you are out and about with your camera again, a sign the weather is improving.

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