Sky Town Clock

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Member: Thor-eye
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A different angle.


Guest - Nov 16, 2005 01:35 AM EDT
Thanks Alex.
Guest - Nov 15, 2005 11:56 AM EDT
Like this a lot. Great angle on this.
Guest - Aug 27, 2005 03:54 AM EDT
Hi Tania, I'm glad you like my picture. No filters or editing used. Although the sky wasn't really this dark. Might be my camera over empasizing the blue.
Guest - Aug 27, 2005 03:38 AM EDT
Mel I always thought the clock tower was boring and a waste other than the clock. You made it look good. Just goes to show that if you look outside the square something will look very different. Was the sky that colour or did you use a filter or computer program I love it
Guest - Aug 19, 2005 01:22 AM EDT
Thank you Mary for your feedback.
Guest - Aug 17, 2005 05:11 PM EDT
A great architextural shot and I like the angle of the shot.
Guest - Aug 17, 2005 09:51 AM EDT
Thanks Shiz & Lulu for your comments. This angle and the shadowing makes it look quite dramatic I thought.
Guest - Aug 17, 2005 03:41 AM EDT
I like the perspective of this photo. Yes, it does make our town clock look like a really tall tower (which it isn't). This was a very clever idea of getting underneath it. I'm planning to do the same with some of the lovely art deco and spanish mission style buildings around our city. Yes, I like this angle you have used and the blue sky really tops it off.
Guest - Aug 10, 2005 02:54 AM EDT
Another well composed photo Mel. The town clock sure looks like a tower in this one - and I know it's not all that tall. I like the shadows at the base of it.

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