Skating pond

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Score: 15.47
Views: 135
Member: orchidea_blue
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About This Image

I had to go & try my skates but didn't, too many people on a thursday afternoon & would have made them all laugh because I have not put a pair of skates for the last 5 years, oh well winter is still long so I will have my chance.


Guest - Feb 10, 2007 12:22 AM EDT
Thanks Steve and Lorraine for your comments. Don you should give it another try but now you can use the ice walkers until you get the hang of it.
Guest - Feb 09, 2007 02:23 PM EDT
A lovely picture post card scene, very nice.
Guest - Feb 09, 2007 07:31 AM EDT
Neat capture. You should have gone out on the ice anyway OB. I know one thing for sure. When I put ice scates on, I'm falling. Never have gotten the hang of it. Don
Guest - Feb 09, 2007 02:24 AM EDT
A great shot, that really seems to capture the essence of winter. I like the contrast between the dark lifeless trees and the shimmering ice.

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