Sitting in the Sunshine

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Member: shutterbug
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Spike looking around seeing what mischief he can get into today.


anne - Apr 04, 2008 10:19 AM EDT
What a sweetie! And I can well imagine the things he can get into. *LOL* How do they manage to look so angelic? Great picture!!
shutterbug - Apr 03, 2008 07:16 PM EDT
Thanks All for the lovely comments, Im honored Alan you want Spikes photo on your desk top,I can email you the original if you ever want it. Now about this little rodent getting into trouble and take another look at that adorable little face. Spike is really a very ugly,mean little guy.Not one bird will come near the feeders when hes around.He bites and eats butterflies.He chews holes anywhere he sees fit,burys acorns on any tractor or truck motors. Very destructive if they get into any wall or attic of ones house. Except for being a great model for photo oops hes not a desireable visitor.LOL
bubbalinn - Apr 03, 2008 04:51 PM EDT
Hi Carol, WOW.. What A Great Photo Of Spike!! Wonderful colors, background, and composition... The light shining on him along with the suns reflection from the snow lighting up his tummy is awesome. You could not ask for any better studio lighting LOL.. His pose is perfect with his hands in his pockets and tail wrapped up his back to keep warm. Thanks for the laugh, your description cracked me up. What can he possibly get into? ROFL.. Hey it's really nice to see from the photo date that your getting around and having fun again. Just in-time for Spring. I hear your snow will be gone by July. Well I'm off to the large image to make it my desktop background for a while. Great Job!!!!!
sparkle1103 - Apr 02, 2008 11:12 PM EDT
Shutterbug such a cute shot of the little squirrel. He is so iny soaking in those rays.
lorraine - Apr 02, 2008 07:45 PM EDT
What a lovely capture.
talsi - Apr 02, 2008 07:35 PM EDT
Cute image - nice and clear with good background and lighting.
Jas - Apr 02, 2008 02:21 PM EDT
I had to look twice, to see if poor Spike was real? He looks so stiff, could he be frozen solid?? It's a lovely capture of Spike, Carol and great fun to view. :)
A.Lovely - Apr 02, 2008 10:22 AM EDT
What a sweet photo of Spike you captured Carol. The clarity and colors are so pleasing.

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