Signs of Alien Life?

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Member: jru1225
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About This Image

My mother and I walked the unmaintained beach at Great Stirrup Cay to escape the rush of tourists, like ourselves, on the other side of the island. It was isolated and the landscape was strange. As we walked we passed this formation of rocks piled high. I am not sure if man or perhaps aliens created this artwork.


bubbalinn - Jul 24, 2009 11:30 AM EDT
What a fun photo and great comments LOL.. I remember seeing photos and reading about a guy that went around piling up rocks, he used odd shaped rocks that just didn't seem like they could stay up. I think it's a marker for a portal or star-gate.
A.Lovely - Jul 23, 2009 08:09 PM EDT
LOL I had to come back and find out what this thing was that you captured. See Alfresco knew and he sure had a wonderful imagination, as well.
jru1225 - Jul 23, 2009 04:58 PM EDT
Well that is really interesting. Thank you for viewing and commenting!
Alfresco - Jul 23, 2009 04:05 PM EDT
That's a "cairn", often created as a marker or memorial. Maybe some pirate treasure is hidden nearby, or maybe somebody's ashes. Or a spaceship? Interesting shot!
jru1225 - Jul 23, 2009 01:41 PM EDT
Thanks Alovely! I crack myself up too! Man would be my first guess too but I can't help but hope aliens! Thanks for viewing and commenting!
A.Lovely - Jul 23, 2009 12:55 PM EDT
You put a smile on my face, Jru. I do believe this is done by man. There is a name of the formation, but at this senior moment can't think of it. As people view, they will tell you I'm sure. Nicely composed capture.

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