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The Great Salt Lake was mistaken for the ocean when the first pioneers discovered it, which is partly why the Salt Lake area was settled in the first place. It was believed that there wasn't any further place to go. There are no fish that can live here for the salt water is too salty; however, brine shrimp do live in the lake. I believe this is used as fish food for aquarium grown fish. One of Morton's salt plants is nearby as well to harvest the salt contained in the lake and the nearby Great Salt Flats. Here the shoreline near the marina is captured at sunset with the moon glowing overhead.


Guest - Dec 24, 2006 12:34 PM EDT
I agree with Silverdebster - it IS just beautiful. But it is more than beautiful, it has a sense of mysticism about it, even if it a salt lake. Those dark little projections of land, covered with trees and with my bad eyes it looks as if someone is standing on one - looking out toward the other side. The pink cloud emphasizes the edge of higher one guiding one's eye to other side of Lake, while high above it a quarter moon adds a mystical look. Salt has mystical properties. *g* A lovely picture.
Guest - Sep 27, 2004 10:31 PM EDT
This is just beautiful - a real wall hanger.

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