Shape Shifter Escape

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The image above depicts a Paridisian shape-shifter in stellar travel form. This form is an advanced mode that is only known to the oldest and most expert of Paradisian shape-shifters. It relies an a large number of transformations that the Paradisians have collected from a variety of vacuum-dwelling organic life forms. It also requires knowledge of hyperwave patterns as it uses the hyperwave field for transportation, defense, and offense. In this mode the Paradisian shape-shifter becomes the equivalent of a small starfighter capable of making short jumps (10 to 40 light years), generating weak ULTRA shields, and firing a one point ULTRA damage hyperwave beam.

A single Paradisian in this form is not much of a direct threat to most interstellar craft, but a dozen of them could actually take on a starship and win. Even more dangerous to starships is the Paradisian's ability to penetrate their shields and infiltrate their vessel. Once inside, the crew would have to deal with an advanced Paradisian warrior, and in the close confines of a starship, the Paradisian's hand-to-hand combat techniques and multi-form weapons capability would become a very lethal combination.


Guest - Nov 04, 2005 11:35 PM EDT
I like the description and the image fills the imagination.

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