Shaker architecture

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A building in Shaker Village in Pleasant Hill, KY taken in sepia. Shaker architecture was simple, practical and functional. The Shakers were a religious group and community that were around in the 1800's. Similar to the Amish, I think. They died out eventually because they did not not believe in having sexual relations; not even for procreation, if I am correct...


XXXXX - Jan 19, 2023 04:40 PM EDT
To the Owner, identical here: Link Text
azkul - Feb 28, 2009 12:06 PM EDT
Thanks for the info about the Shakers. That's really interesting (and funny they didn't believe in procreation). Sounds like they deserved to have their community die out with beliefs like that.
Guest - May 09, 2007 07:19 PM EDT
Very nice Shaker building,there is still a Shaker community here in Maine. Thier archtecture is simple and so very neat and clean looking. Im not sure if any of the Shakers are alive but you can tour thier community here in Maine. Carol
Guest - Apr 18, 2007 07:16 PM EDT
Nice capture, looks quite a simple house, but also build for a good size family, I have heard of the name Shakers, but don't know anything about them, interesting info, thanks.

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