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Score: 13.16
Views: 170
Member: whittler113
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About This Image

The early morning sun shining through the morning shadows in my back yard.


whittler113 - Jan 17, 2008 06:40 AM EDT
Thanks for the great comments Anne,Karen,Jas,and Talsi,I'm glad you all enjoyed it.The fresh snow is very pretty when the morning sun strikes it.
Guest - Jan 05, 2008 10:39 AM EDT
What a peacceful looking scene - NIce job.
Guest - Jan 04, 2008 04:25 PM EDT
I, too, am envious of your back yard! Your series of wintry shots have been a joy to view.
Guest - Jan 04, 2008 01:13 AM EDT
I am envious of your beautiful yard with all those photogenic trees. The lighting is gorgeous and the trees look like flocked Christmas trees.
Guest - Jan 03, 2008 05:41 PM EDT
How very lovely! A beautiful winter wonderland. Looks like fairyland - very enticing with just a touch of sun and the shadows creating the blue snow. Well, it looks blue, there in the shadows. *g* I think I hear the echo of a fairy trumpet!

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