SF Street Scene

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Member: Pinetree3
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San Francisco street artist on a Sunday morning.


Pinetree3 - Aug 01, 2008 07:58 PM EDT
I figured what makes this look like Paris. First the lighting is clearly overcast, which is fairly typical. Second, the subject of sidewalk sale of paintings. Third, the ornate lampost suggests a historic european location. Finally, the bicycle adds to the Eurpoean location. I would say that the subject of the paintings, (trolley & cable cars) gives away that this is likely San Francisco. Also, the street signs are in English which you wouldn't find in Paris.
Jas - Aug 01, 2008 04:27 PM EDT
I like your comment regarding this shot looking like a Paris street scene; it does rather. I really like this image; it depicts city life just as it is and it makes me want to visit even more! I love the bicycle and wondered if the person, in the shot, pulls a trolley on the back with all the artwork in?? :)
lorraine - Jul 31, 2008 06:56 PM EDT
This is very nice, I quite like it and also the pictures that that he has on show.
talsi - Jul 31, 2008 05:17 PM EDT
Nice street scene image.
Pinetree3 - Jul 31, 2008 04:39 AM EDT
I liked this picture, it looks a little like a Paris street scence.

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