Several White Wines =

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Member: lorraine
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About This Image

I don't like spiders, at all, but after several white wines with a friend yesterday I photographed this one, "IN macro", thats way to close for me, I'm surprised at how clear it is considering. an exersise I have no plans on repeating.


Guest - Apr 21, 2007 11:39 PM EDT
Thankyo Karien and Carol for looking in and the comments. These are a garden spider, I don't think they are poison but I just don't normally get this close to them, they were there first so I tend to leave them alone.
Guest - Apr 21, 2007 07:11 PM EDT
I dont care for spiders either but I like taking photos of them. Great closeup. Carol
Guest - Apr 21, 2007 06:46 PM EDT
It is clear, great detail! I dont blame you for not wanting to repeat that :-)

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