Seven Wonders of Our World

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About This Image

Friend of ours are fighting cancer and have to be away from home for weeks at a time leaving their beloved pets behind while getting treatment. I have been going to night classes and learnt how to add many photos to one background. This is a photo of Patea Bar and 7 of their 7 pets. Moggie, Tiger, Annie, Zamba, Zachy and Jade


Hi,I just saw you on

Hiroko - Oct 13, 2015 03:19 PM EDT
Hi,I just saw you on Spaceflightnow and wanted to let you know about my divorsecy since you seem to be interested in the moon...Since I can't cut and paste here...Google "The Basketball Player in The Moon"Best wishes and good luck!P. Edward Murray
Guest - Jan 01, 2007 04:33 PM EDT
Tank you for your kind coments. Is it was very much appreciated. Treatment has been over 6 months so far. Until you know someone with cancer or any other illness you are not aware of everything that goes on.
Guest - Jan 01, 2007 01:46 PM EDT
What a fun picture and the gesture is very special and one that I'm certain is appreciated more than you know. Best wishes to your friends...
Guest - Dec 31, 2006 07:06 PM EDT
Dudley thank you for your wonderful coment. We are lucky to have a ever changing coast line to take photos off.
Guest - Dec 31, 2006 12:57 PM EDT
What an interesting picture!! I love the animals of course but your backdrop for them is fantastic!
Guest - Nov 10, 2006 02:48 AM EDT
thank you Donwrob for you kind coments.
Guest - Nov 06, 2006 02:56 AM EDT
Nicely done composition Tania. You did a good job with it. I sure wish the best for your friends too :-) Don
Guest - Nov 06, 2006 02:04 AM EDT
thank you for your kind coments.
Guest - Nov 06, 2006 02:00 AM EDT
Hi Tania, that was a very kind gesture, and am sure your friends love the photo! The pets are beautiful. I wish your friends all the very best and trust they won't have to be away from home much longer.
Guest - Nov 06, 2006 12:48 AM EDT
Lorraine. I Printed a 8x12 and put it in a matt and framed it. They take it with them so them dont miss their babies to much. Yes Zamba and Zak are alike in many ways
Guest - Nov 06, 2006 12:38 AM EDT
What a neat idea, it would be nice to give them a copy to take while away from them, I can see a bit of Zak in that shepard, a gentle face

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