Scarlet tanager

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Scarlet tanager wing spread.


Guest - May 20, 2007 06:03 PM EDT
Terrific picture, wings stretched out and flying!! Wish I could have been there. Beautiful and the wings are stunning! Well Done!!
Guest - May 19, 2007 04:47 PM EDT
Nice capture,very pretty bird.
Guest - May 19, 2007 11:35 AM EDT
Thanks Don, yes we were thrilled as I always thought a Cardinal was gorgeous than i see the tanager and thought OMG add black to the wings and what stikingly handsome bird this guy is.Hope he returns here again.
Guest - May 19, 2007 10:30 AM EDT
Yeehaw, Scarlet Tanagers at Carols & Alexs place! Very cool action shot Carol. Aren't they a beautiful bird? I have never had one at my feeder, just have seen them out in the state forest. I bet you both were excited to see him. Nice work! Don

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