Sauce Piquant

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Member: Dudley
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This is one of the great dishes of south Louisiana. It is like a stew and can be made with almost any kind of meat including but not limited to rabbit, squirrel, duck, and chicken. You can even mix them in it.

Sauce piquant is heavy on the lemon and tastes every bit as good as it looks. There is a reason I am fat. It is the good food.


Guest - Jun 23, 2006 01:48 PM EDT
Best of all people w can talk...
Guest - Jun 20, 2006 05:53 PM EDT
Thanks for the comments but can you tranlste the phrase for me. My guess is pioneer people aren't something but what is the something.
Guest - Jun 20, 2006 02:44 PM EDT
Persone los pioneros non rabata. Great...
Guest - Jun 19, 2006 10:14 PM EDT
Your article is prety nice. It's a pity that i didn't see it more later.
Guest - Dec 28, 2005 08:12 AM EDT
This works best, according to Mom,when an old hen is involved either as the chef or the meat or both. The recipe is: Ingredients: 4 to 6 pounds chicken salt and pepper to taste 1/2 c shortening 6 T flour 2 c onions chopped 1 c bell pepper chopped 2 c celery diced hot water 1/2 small can tomato paste 1/2 c finely cut onion tops 1/2 c parsley minced 2 cloves garlic minced 2 bay leaves 1 large can mushrooms pieces with water lemons to taste. Some like a lot. Some not so much. hot fat What to do: Cut the hen or chicken pieces into serving size pieces. Season with salt and pepper and brown in hot fat. Remove from pot and add flour to fat. Cook until brown, stirring constantly. Add onion, bell pepper, and celery, cook until soft and clear. Return chicken to pot. and cover with hot water. Cover and simmer on low heat until meat is tender and gravy is thick. Add remaining ingredients and additional water(if needed to cover) continue simmering until gravy is thick. In the last 10 minutes of cooking add lemon slices. Serve on spaghetti or rice. I have only had it on rice but the recipe says spaghetti or rice. Enjoy!!!!
Guest - Dec 23, 2005 02:08 AM EDT
I have not seen Meyer lemons but then when I buy lemons I look for Louisiana grown lemons. I have not heard of Meyers so we might not grow them down here.
Guest - Dec 21, 2005 12:51 PM EDT
happy for you that you are back teaching again, Dud. bought the KB yesterday : ) like the idea of the lemon slices in the sauce piquant, as it would help offset the richness. Do you get the Meyer Lemons there? (sweet lemons) -finally found some at a local veggie market recently, - they don't taste at all like lemons : ) - had been very curious to try them for sometime, since first hearing about them.
Guest - Dec 21, 2005 08:00 AM EDT
Thanks for the comments. I am at school right now teaching again. I will get the recipe from home. The pieces you see floating are chicken and lemons. It is served over rice as many dishes are in my area. It is also normally served with a salad since there are no vegetables in it. Mom, who has made the only sauce piquant I have eaten, has always made it with lemons but I have searched on the net and found a lot of recipes without the lemons.
Guest - Dec 20, 2005 03:21 AM EDT
Can I gain weight looking at this picture? Yikes. Seriously, is there a vegetable in this mixture or is it served over rice or something else?? Thanks for sharing a little of your La. culture.
Guest - Dec 19, 2005 09:38 PM EDT
am pretty sure I can see chicken in there : ) Yep, will get some more Kitchen Bouquet next time out, - had forgotten I'd ever used it. I use other seasonings so guess the KB didn't get used very often and it dried right up inside the bottle : ) - now you've got me curious as to how it enhances the food.
Guest - Dec 19, 2005 05:35 PM EDT
Nice stew... but where is the meat...?
Guest - Dec 19, 2005 05:08 PM EDT
Good shot,looks like a good stew,maybe I will get to try it this winter.
Guest - Dec 19, 2005 08:22 AM EDT
Im a great fan of Stews, any chance of getting the recipe?I have never made one with lemons in it but does look real Good. Carol
Guest - Dec 19, 2005 07:00 AM EDT
Thanks for the comments!! Alandra, I am glad you tried the fish Dianne. Try it next time with the kitchen bouquet. It makes a load of difference. Gary, I am glad I brought back some memories from Louisiana's capital city.
Guest - Dec 18, 2005 10:18 PM EDT
Ah! You take me back to the wonderful food I ate when I lived in Baton Rouge. Mmmmm!
Guest - Dec 18, 2005 08:36 PM EDT
this looks and sounds very delicious. wanted to let you know that tonight I finally made the "fish recipe" which you posted a pic of here, sometime ago. DH loved it, so did I. Did find some Kitchen Bouquet in a cupboard but it was so old I didn't use it, but had everything else. thanks again for the recipe. The only thing I did differently, is that I replaced the fish into the pan with the sauce, on low heat, and let it sit in that to absorb the flavours.

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