Saint Marys Lake

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One amazing view while driving around Glacier National Park in Montana was Saint Marys Lake, it is the second largest lake in the park the first being Lake McDonald, the small island near the middle right of the photograph is known as Wild Goose Island.
The lake is located on the east side of the park and sits at an elevation of 4,484 feet which is 1,500 feet higher then Lake McDonald and much colder due to the altitude difference, its length is about 10 miles long, its waters 300 feet deep and rarely rises above 50 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer season, it is also known for its many different species of trout.


Ostar - Dec 14, 2008 06:57 AM EDT
Thank you Talsi. :)
talsi - Dec 13, 2008 10:33 PM EDT
Just beautiful
Ostar - Dec 13, 2008 10:24 PM EDT
Thank you Art57 and Alovely for commenting, to see this place with your own eyes is nothing short of spectacular, if you 're ever in that part of the US it's a must see.
Art57 - Dec 13, 2008 07:34 PM EDT
A beautiful scene.
A.Lovely - Dec 13, 2008 07:09 PM EDT
What a beautifully captured photograph. The composition is outstanding and this is truly a joy to view. Thank you for adding the information.

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