Roses are red

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Member: Art57
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Another photo of the rose bud.


azkul - Mar 25, 2009 09:50 PM EDT
I started typing and something caught my eye in the other comments, so I read them and basically agree with what they said. I'd widen the depth of field a little to get the whole flower in focus and the white flowers in the background are distracting. Since a rose has nice hard lines along its borders, you can use a technique in Photoshop or another photo editing program to drop the background and replace it with something less distracting - perhaps a blurred green and yellow background or even solid black depending the mood you want in the picture. With a shot like this, you'd be able to do a good job with something as simple as the lasso or magic wand tool, although there are more complicated tools that will do the trick like the extraction tool.
Art57 - Mar 25, 2009 04:57 PM EDT
Thanks for the comments everyone. I'll have to work on getting that focus zone a little more towards the front. I was trying for a little more drama by cropping so tight. I think if the front of the flower were in focus it may have come off a little better.
bubbalinn - Mar 22, 2009 01:28 PM EDT
I agree, a higher view and not quite so close would be better, or adding some light to the bottom changing the darkness to more red. The background is really nice and not distracting at all.
Alfresco - Mar 22, 2009 01:21 PM EDT
Pleasant image, but since you asked: Back off a bit, to show the whole flower, uncropped. Try a smaller aperture for better depth of field. Tone down the busy, bright background. Bruce
Art57 - Mar 21, 2009 09:42 PM EDT
Thank you for the comment Golda. I agree the foreground is a bit overpowering and being out of focus adds some confusion to the image.
golda - Mar 21, 2009 09:23 PM EDT
This one is a bit too close in the foreground.Try another angle.The best in the series is the daisies.

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