Rock Wall and a Bench

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Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

I came upon a beautiful row of rocks along a country
road and at the end I noticed a bench. It was a large
property so perhaps the people who own this property walk awhile and then rest and enjoy the nature.


A.Lovely - Apr 05, 2008 02:01 PM EDT
Yes, Whittler you are right. We have one on the property that I live. I mentioned to the Assoc. that we clean up our's and all I got was $$$$ from the head honcho. Oh well, this one that I photographed was looking good.
whittler113 - Apr 04, 2008 01:29 PM EDT
What a nice typical Maine stone wall,too many are just left to be overgrown and hidden now,great shot.
A.Lovely - Apr 03, 2008 09:51 AM EDT
Thank you Jas, Art, Mary and Talsi for viewing my photograph. I appreciate your comments. Mary it had been a very foggy day. In the back field the fog lingered.
talsi - Apr 02, 2008 07:34 PM EDT
Pleasing image - nice use of leading lines.
marysham - Apr 02, 2008 07:19 PM EDT
Looks like a beautiful place to spend some quiet time. I like the vertical shot and it looks like mist rising in the background.
Art57 - Apr 02, 2008 06:25 PM EDT
Very nice with the muted colors.
Jas - Apr 02, 2008 02:12 PM EDT
I love the stone wall, with the lichen and moss on and also how the colour is showing through the snow on the ground. I think I would love to take a walk along here and then sit on the bench and admire the view. :)
A.Lovely - Apr 02, 2008 10:02 AM EDT
Thank you Carol and Cindy for viewing my photograph and making a comment. As I got out of the car and approached the rock wall to take a photograph, I noticed the bench. I smiled as I though an other place where people sit and enjoy the view or just stop and have a bit of conversation.
Cindy - Apr 02, 2008 06:38 AM EDT
Oh and it looks likes such a beautiful spot to rest and enjoy too Anne. Very nice image :)
shutterbug - Apr 02, 2008 05:11 AM EDT
Beautiful Maine landscape,I love the rock walls on most all back roads in Maine.Great photo! Carol

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