Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

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Score: 21.3
Views: 1250
Member: Ev_Kudro
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About This Image

I love this building that the same architech who designed the Louve in Paris helped design this one, but I refused to see the inside since you are not allowed to take pictures. I traveled over 300 miles to see this and turned around and went home. Silly huh?


Guest - Jun 11, 2007 02:19 AM EDT
I hope you will change your mind and return some day, Ev, rather than "cutting your nose off to spite your face" :) as the old saying goes.
Guest - Jan 29, 2007 03:07 PM EDT
Thanks for the comments Toots, but I will never go back. I am a hard head when it comes to this.
Guest - Jan 20, 2007 12:25 PM EDT
Very nice image! I bet you will go back someday!
Guest - Oct 12, 2006 07:13 PM EDT
Nice photo of the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame. I hope to someday go there. I know how you felt Evelyn about no photos, we went to a lighthouse and when I found out about the no cameras inside, I just went back outside and took photos.
Guest - Oct 12, 2006 07:04 PM EDT
There are several places where we cannot take photos. The building is intriguing - you shouldn't have let the rules keep you out. Excellent capture of the building.

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