Rock and Rock!

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Score: 12.5
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Member: MuseumOfDirt
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About This Image

Polaroid fun with a rock in the front yard and roll of Fuji Superior 1600


Guest - May 05, 2007 09:15 AM EDT
Hey y'all. Thanks heaps. Yeah, I think there is some more of this kind of thing coming up soon - just when I get around to shooting it. Steve - there's lots of fun to be had with the Polaroid in a shot shot. Golda - Thank you, I like looking at others' pictures that leave me wondering, so I hope I can do the same for others. Plumer - Thanks again.
Guest - May 04, 2007 01:41 AM EDT
Great idea, this is such a fun shot, especially realizing that you put some thought into this scene. Nice work!!!
Guest - May 03, 2007 01:51 PM EDT
Hey Muse,I just checked out your web site for a split second before commenting here,and I know I will have to have quite a while to view your work.Your "eye"has a great capacity to make the viewer wonder.I like this "picture within a picture"idea.
Guest - May 03, 2007 01:37 PM EDT
Nice idea! It reminds me of a famous photograph (sorry, can't remember the photographer's name) of someone holding a picture of a ship at arm's length over the sea so that the ship in the photo appears to be sailing in the sea!

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