Robin & rosepetals

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Member: alandrapal
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Robin bathing among the rosepetals which have fallen into the water


Guest - Nov 09, 2005 01:34 PM EDT
thankyou, Vince. Interesting re the different birds and the various countries. A longtime pal in NZ sent me some place mats with pictures of the NZ birds on, many years ago.
Guest - Nov 08, 2005 09:57 PM EDT
Don't think we have any in new zealand so it isn't common at all,we have the pukekos which are common and get the wow haven't seen one of those type comments,so very pleased you posted this one.Nice shot, well positioned in the frame.
Guest - Aug 13, 2005 02:30 PM EDT
thanks Alex. for some reason, I like the one where he's splashing best : )
Guest - Jun 28, 2005 03:14 PM EDT
WOW!!again, this is a great shot as well.
Guest - Jun 15, 2005 09:05 AM EDT
interesting to hear this too, Gary, about not seeing Robins in Arizona where you are. I didn't take a pic of robins before, as thought they were too "everyday"/usual. Now am glad I did take these, since some people don't get to see them very often now
Guest - Jun 15, 2005 06:58 AM EDT
Very nice shot. We saw robins every spring in Colorado, when I was a kid. Here in Arizona, we hardly ever see one. I kind of miss them.
Guest - Jun 15, 2005 02:04 AM EDT
that's interesting, Karen, and thanks also : ) Didn't realize the Robins are not "resident" birds in your area. Here they seem to stay year round, unlike many other places where they return each spring. We had a huge pyracantha years ago, and it was covered with red berries each winter, which the robins feasted on during cold weather.
Guest - Jun 15, 2005 12:49 AM EDT
This is a beautiful shot of a bird we just see as it passes through. Great color.
Guest - Jun 14, 2005 08:33 PM EDT
Hi Janice, thankyou for the nice praise. Should have explained, this was taken from the open front window, looking out onto our patio : ) - was in a rush to upload these before heading out earlier today.
Guest - Jun 14, 2005 07:48 PM EDT
Alandra this is such a realistic photo of a robin. How did you get it to sit still. Do you have a lense where you could stand far away from the robin and take the shot

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