Resting Place

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Member: lorraine
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I think this boat has seen the last of the sea, resting under the tree, Lucy had a ball playing in it as we ate lunch at the resturant and kept and eye on her as she was only about 2 metres away from us. She had her lunch in the boat.


lorraine - Aug 25, 2008 04:31 PM EDT
Thankyou Jas for looking in and the kind comment, it just looked right in that spot and the kids seemed to enjoy sitting in it as well and playing there.
Jas - Aug 25, 2008 12:56 PM EDT
The boat might not be sea-worthy anymore but I'm sure it will still bring visual pleasure to everyone who visits this restaurant. A lovely rustic picture. :)
lorraine - Aug 20, 2008 06:33 PM EDT
Thankyou Whittler for looking in and the kind comments, it looked really great there.
whittler113 - Aug 20, 2008 08:48 AM EDT
WOW!! what a great shot,and a great place to park a retired old boat.
lorraine - Aug 20, 2008 01:48 AM EDT
Thankyou Mary for looking in, lucy had such fun that day, today she's in Auckland with her mum and dad having to understand where her other grandad has gone, my daughters father inlaw passed away sunday night, she young and things pass quickly. I had to photograph this boat, it just looked perfect where it was all weathered and the paint worn off.
marysham - Aug 19, 2008 04:42 PM EDT
Lucy had the right idea! I would have joined her... I like the weathered wood. Peaceful and enjoyable scene Lorraine.

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