Red Hat Society

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Member: Christina
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A cardinal in West Virginia


Guest - Apr 06, 2007 07:15 PM EDT
Guest - Jan 19, 2006 04:56 PM EDT
My whole family loves cardinals. I heard one today, finally. The southerners here call them "redbirds". Nothing prettier than cardinals in the snow or against the dark green magnolia leaves out back. Lovely catch.
Guest - Jun 06, 2005 01:52 PM EDT
liked hearing about that, Janice. We have similar things we think in our family too, about things in nature that remind us of people we loved who have passed away.
Guest - Mar 27, 2005 01:01 PM EDT
Nice shot Christina! It looks like you've figured out that new camera huh?
Guest - Mar 21, 2005 11:10 PM EDT
My mom who has passed 18 years now loved cardinals. She would wake me in the morning and say where is the cardinal at. I would point at any tree and say there. Now my brother and I believe when we here a cardinal that it is my mom visiting. Corny I know. They sing so beautiful and and is so beautifully red in color.
Guest - Mar 21, 2005 07:52 PM EDT
love the cardinal pics and the captions. great shots. Have never seen a cardinal in real life, they aren't in our area, - would love to tho'
Guest - Mar 21, 2005 07:50 PM EDT
Great shot, and a pretty bird too.
Guest - Mar 21, 2005 07:50 PM EDT
Great shot, and a pretty bird too.
Guest - Mar 21, 2005 07:48 PM EDT
All the Red Hat Gals will love this picture. Nice Picture. Carol

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