Red Daisy

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Member: Thor-eye
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About This Image

Same variety as the Blue Daisies posted earlier. Tiny and gorgeous.


Guest - Aug 10, 2005 04:23 PM EDT
Hey thanks again Lulu & Shiz for your comments. Looking at these flowers again makes me want to escape from work to take more photo's!
Guest - Aug 10, 2005 03:04 AM EDT
Gorgeous! I especially like the small depth of field, with the perfect focus in the foreground. What exciting colours!!
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 03:00 AM EDT
Hi Mel. I really like the clarity of the centre of the flower. Would be great to see a bee collecting all that pollen.
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 01:28 AM EDT
Beautiful shot. The white acts like a highlighter to attract insects to the center of the flower.
Guest - Aug 06, 2005 01:03 AM EDT
Hi Alandra, thanks for the name, the greenhouse does not have the names of the plants, which is a shame as there are some really fasinating plants in it. Thanks again.
Guest - Aug 05, 2005 09:40 PM EDT
Hi Mel, after looking at the dark blue one which you said was the same type of plant, am thinking these might be Cineraria. I'd never really looked that closely at an individual flower of one of these plants, as they are usually full of flowers, and are grown as pot plants here in Canada too. Have seen them more often in the dark blue/purplish colour. The little white or cream coloured circle near the centers really set the colours off nicely, doesn't it, when you view the entire plant.
Guest - Aug 05, 2005 01:57 PM EDT
Hi Alandra, no not wild. This plant is growing with may others in a local park greenhouse. There were may different colours. Thank you for your comments. As you may notice I love taking photo's of flowers - just need to learn their proper names now.
Guest - Aug 05, 2005 11:50 AM EDT
very pretty and lovely colour, - is this a wild daisy?

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