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Member: golda
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About This Image

This little fellow,came crashing into our front room window,(as birds often do)and knocked itself out.My husband, who has lots of experience with birds of all kinds,revived him.He brought him in the house cupped in his hands and held him until he looked better.We then took him outside, and here he is sitting on my husbands hand.After we let him go he stopped, and took a look at us,and then buzzed away.


Guest - Jul 18, 2007 09:32 AM EDT
Golda, a wonderful story to this great shot. Thanks for sharing.
Guest - May 19, 2007 04:21 AM EDT
Hi Golda, what a precious image! Echoing all the other comments, - have only just seen this one. Am so glad you were able to save him. We had one that got caught in our solarium several years ago, - we had been out, and he was pretty exhausted by the time we found him, he'd been trying and trying to escape thru the glass "roof" of the solarium, instead of going back to the partially opened sliding screendoor that he'd got in thru. I caught him when he was close to the floor, and held him in my hands while taking him back outside, and released him from the sundeck. He felt very warm in my hands. Wish we'd taken a photo, but weren't so "into" that at that time. Wanted to mention that Carol has a group for "just" Hummingbird photos etc, if you'd like to join. This photo would look great there. Hope to see you there also.
Guest - Apr 22, 2007 03:34 PM EDT
What a beautiful little bird. So glad he recovered from his crash into the window.
Guest - Apr 19, 2007 08:34 PM EDT
What a beautiful Hummer, Golda - and another heartwarming story. Vicki
Guest - Apr 19, 2007 04:19 PM EDT
A lovely shot, mch saller bird than I imagined, poor little fellow.
Guest - Apr 19, 2007 03:51 PM EDT
WOW!! what a nice shot,too bad you had to knock him out to get
Guest - Apr 19, 2007 02:49 PM EDT
Incredible capture and story Golda. Thanks for sharing.
Guest - Apr 19, 2007 02:26 PM EDT
What a fantastic story, Golda! The great advantage for me (who's never seen a hummingbird) of this picture is that your husband's hand provides a sense of scale for the bird, and shows just how tiny they are.

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