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Member: BRB
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About This Image

The Side Streets of Bangkok. The roads are dirt, and the footpaths don't exist. The Power Lines are a mess


Guest - Feb 16, 2007 05:35 AM EDT
Lol. Yes Andymoose, some parts certainly look that way. There are lots of new high-rises and shopping malls. We laughed at the Air-conditioners. all the buildings have them, generally on a caged-in balcony. Very DIY looking. Thanks for looking and leaving a comment
Guest - Feb 16, 2007 04:28 AM EDT
WOW, I see the place hasn't changed a bit since the 60s except for a few air conditioners.
Guest - Feb 15, 2007 02:35 AM EDT
Thanks for the Feedback Steve. It was very interesting to see how others live. Tans, thank you aswell. You were my inspiration.
Guest - Feb 14, 2007 11:10 PM EDT
I love the cropping you have done on this one. Good doco photo
Guest - Feb 14, 2007 07:28 AM EDT
Yes BRB, a good reminder that not all the world is pretty. I think your composition adds to the power of the image.

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