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another taste of summertime, Raspberries, these are grown locally here. we get an abundance of the soft fruit in this area.
when we were teenagers, my friend and I worked all thru the night at a berry packing plant, which was a neat experience. so many funny memories too.


Guest - Jan 29, 2006 11:48 PM EDT
thanks for comments, Pam and Talsi, can't wait to get more of these this summer. Wish I could send you some
Guest - Jan 29, 2006 09:58 PM EDT
Yum - they sure look good
Guest - Jan 29, 2006 07:56 PM EDT
SO JUICY LOOKING I just want to eat them YUM!!!!
Guest - Oct 21, 2005 12:30 PM EDT
thanks very much, RKB, -- am late with this I'd like some of these right about now, but our growing season locally is over.
Guest - Aug 17, 2005 06:33 PM EDT
Sharp and great color.
Guest - Aug 17, 2005 03:53 PM EDT
thanks Alex. And Karen, hope you'll be able to enjoy some of these when in this area next year : )
Guest - Jul 22, 2005 05:16 AM EDT
Those sure look tasty,nice shot.
Guest - Jul 21, 2005 10:35 PM EDT
didn't realize this, Karen! If they weren't so very perishable, I'd gladly send you some! You'll just hafta come up this way one summer, intime for all this great fruit.
Guest - Jul 21, 2005 10:31 PM EDT
This is so great that I am salivating. I love fresh berries like this. It's too hot for them in TX.
Guest - Jul 21, 2005 08:25 PM EDT
have just recalled the name of the treat made with layers of fruit and set in a crock with brandy. RUMTOPF, if interested, do a Google search and there are recipes there. It's great spooned over ice cream or cake or whatever : )
Guest - Jul 21, 2005 04:26 PM EDT
lucky you. we had some years ago too in our backyard, gave a good crop, my Mum used to make jam outof the ones we took over to them. But not sure what happened, but the canes finally gave up the ghost. We used to make that fruit recipe with brandy, in a stone crock, where you keep adding layers of various "soft" fruit all summer, and then have a deelish concoction later. forget the name of it.
Guest - Jul 21, 2005 04:11 PM EDT
I be picking these tomorrow. I have a raspberries in my yard YUMMY
Guest - Jul 21, 2005 02:36 PM EDT
guess I could have been more careful and captured some without squashed ones in the corner, lol, but wasn't too sure how the owners/workers would like me taking pics of their produce, so rushed. This place does have great fruit, hundreds of people go there even from Vancouver, to buy the fruit and veggies, good prices too, compared to the supermarkets, plus so much fresher
Guest - Jul 21, 2005 02:32 PM EDT
These look yummy. Carol

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