Rainbow Teapot

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Score: 17.68
Views: 656
Member: alandrapal
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About This Image

here's a beautiful Rainbow Teapot.


Guest - Oct 30, 2006 04:16 AM EDT
thanks again, Alex D. this is another of my favourites too. Funny how it's hard to beat some of them, as far as fave images go, - right. They weren't too pleased in the shop that I was taking photos, so this was done trying to hurry and be "secretive" about it.
Guest - Oct 30, 2006 04:04 AM EDT
Just wanted to comment one more time. Pretty amazing.
Guest - Nov 19, 2005 06:41 PM EDT
found your address Alex D, but my puter's been at the "shop" for the past week, so when it comes home, will send you this photo : )
Guest - Oct 23, 2005 04:38 PM EDT
thanks Alex D! I'll be happy to send you an email pic of this if you'd like, so you can put it on your kitchen wall : ) just send me your email address.
Guest - Oct 23, 2005 04:23 PM EDT
Ok, I was wrong, but two is better than none. If I have to leave most of the comments, I will. This is simply a stunning photo and deserves recognition. I would be proud to post a copy on my kitchen wall.
Guest - Mar 05, 2005 09:54 AM EDT
Hi Vicki, many thanks, happy you like it : ) - must admit, I like it a lot too.
Guest - Mar 04, 2005 02:29 AM EDT
Oh, Wow, Alandra - I'm so glad I saw this before I left - it's definitely entertaining and enjoyable to look at. Great job
Guest - Mar 03, 2005 09:18 PM EDT
well, you have really made my day, Alex! thanks so much. I was astonished at how it turned out and love it myself. Was playing with these around 2 am - 3 am today : )
Guest - Mar 03, 2005 09:09 PM EDT
You are going to get a lot of compliments on this one. It is simply out of this world.

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