Purple Gallinule

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Score: 13.12
Views: 105
Member: chriss35
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About This Image

Took this image of a beautifully coloured Gallinule while on a trip to Royal Palm, Everglades National Park,Florida.

These birds are found in and around southern and tropical wetlands,can be seen walking on tops of floating vegetation and lily pads without sinking,due to their extremely long toes can also swim on the surface like a duck.


chriss35 - Mar 16, 2008 06:01 AM EDT
Thanks Jas for the lovely comments, I look forward to seeing yours. :)
Jas - Feb 16, 2008 11:59 AM EDT
I like this shot of the gallinule Chriss. I have one at a different angle and was surprised that I got it at all because it kept hiding under a leaf! Well taken.

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