Produce Department - local supermarket

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fruit at one of the local supermarkets. Didn't shoot the entire produce dept, as wasn't sure what the store's policy is. One store employee did come and ask me if "everything was okay?" when I was taking pics of the floral dept : ) - but he didn't seem to have a problem with it when I told him I was just trying out my new lens, and showed him one of the photos just captured.


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Sheety - Nov 25, 2015 10:33 AM EDT
Pas d'erreur de ma part; c'est du ve9cu. Et je re9ite8re : il y a eu comme l'an dernier, un maqnue de signalisation en bas du Bd Bompard;Votre re9ponse est purement the9orique : l'an prochain, venez sur place vous rendre compte par vous meame de ce que peut engendrer ce maqnue de signalisation lors d'une telle manifestation.Les automobilistes, dont beaucoup n'e9taient pas du 13 (meame des Anglais), qui voulaient se rendre aux plages du Prado, ont e9te9 pris au pie8ge du terminus Bompard. Certains s'engouffrant dans la rue du Soleil, d'autres dans la traverse Pey, se sont retrouve9s coince9s dans ces voies tre8s e9troites et tortueuses, oblige9s de faire des man
alandrapal - Apr 29, 2009 01:28 PM EDT
thankyou for the nice comments, Anne, Brian and Susan in New Zealand.
A.Lovely - Apr 29, 2009 12:05 PM EDT
What great colors and composition you have captured here, Alandra.
azkul - Feb 11, 2009 12:51 AM EDT
Mmmm... all those apples look really tasty.
Guest - Mar 02, 2007 10:56 PM EDT
This is a great picture, love all the different colours. Like the layout too, quite different to how it's done here.
Guest - Nov 11, 2006 10:29 PM EDT
thankyou Mary. I was kindof "hiding" in Starbucks taking these :)
Guest - Nov 11, 2006 10:09 PM EDT
A nice variety of color and shapes. The layout looks very inviting.
Guest - Nov 11, 2006 02:11 PM EDT
thankyou all, for the nice comments, Mike, Don & Carol.
Guest - Nov 11, 2006 02:09 PM EDT
Hi Carol, well one of our main supermarkets has a sign right on the outer door, "no cameras allowed inside", but I did ask permission from another local store's floral dept over a year ago, and they said "no". So as I'd had more success with this one (different) store locally sometime ago, decided to just walk in and take some photos and see what happened :) This store recently underwent some major renovations, so really, you'd think they'd be proud of their store and wouldn't mind people taking photos. Anyway, I removed any ID from the photos that I could see.
Guest - Nov 11, 2006 11:05 AM EDT
Great photo of the produce,I dont think our stores here in Maine would let you take pics in their stores without their approval. Carol
Guest - Nov 11, 2006 09:18 AM EDT
fantastic this shot does get you to look into the shop...vivid colours brilliant
Guest - Nov 11, 2006 09:13 AM EDT
Man those apples look good, very nice capture. Congrats on the new L :-) by the way. Don
Guest - Nov 11, 2006 05:25 AM EDT
thankyou Alex D and Lorraine. It's going to be a bit challenging to get photos now that the weather has changed :)
Guest - Nov 11, 2006 04:40 AM EDT
nice shot, lots of colour
Guest - Nov 11, 2006 04:25 AM EDT
Yes, those shop keepers can be a bit touchy. Great shot and quite colorful.

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