Percussion of Attitude

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Score: 16.51
Views: 116
Member: Tanya
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About This Image

Cow hair on a barbed wire fence. Taken with a 100 mm macro, late afternoon.


whittler113 - Jul 11, 2008 08:21 AM EDT
"OUCH" but a great shot just the same.Congrats on your "Best of Show".
Tanya - Jul 10, 2008 09:57 AM EDT
Thank you for the comments. I had just got my canon 100mm macro in the mail and put it on the camera, got the dog and we took off walking around the farm. This just seemed so perfect to me when I found it. I took about 6 shots of it, this was the last one. As I was downloading hubby walked behind me and said "what is that??" I said "it's my best of show". He laughed and said "yeah right". Well, I am happy to say, it did get me best of show and now hangs as a 20x30 in my living room. But it is one of those shots that you either get it or you don't. I have had a lot of mixed reactions to it.
golda - Jul 10, 2008 12:02 AM EDT
Welcome to the site Tanya.This is a great macro of one of the more commonplace things,but the simple fact that you "see"it, makes is really special.If people would only look deeper into things,they would be astounded at what lies beneath the surface.
talsi - Jul 09, 2008 09:20 PM EDT
Interesting macro - nice job.

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