peek a boo

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Member: fella
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a eagle takin off


Guest - Jan 27, 2007 10:54 AM EDT
Great capture fella! I like the vampire like pose he gave ya. Another beautiful eagle shot. Don
Guest - Jan 27, 2007 09:24 AM EDT
WOW!! fantastic.
Guest - Jan 27, 2007 05:59 AM EDT
wow, imagine getting a capture of the eagle like that, the day after getting the new lens, amazing! Good for you. Am so happy for you that you got that lens, I love mine.
Guest - Jan 27, 2007 01:39 AM EDT
hi alex ..good catch alandra just got that lens on the 25th yesterday..same lens u got 100-400mm L series ,,heard a lot of good stuff about the is pro series so i splurged delivers clearer pics but is a lot slower than the 500mm in burst mode the 500 gets maybe 3to 4 shots a secound and this new one is about 2 frames a second not bad have tobe more selective shooting ..hawk ..not to good at id hawks ,,fella
Guest - Jan 27, 2007 01:14 AM EDT
just noticed, didya get one of those same lenses that I've got? - or didyu already have that one? I've lost track.
Guest - Jan 27, 2007 01:12 AM EDT
I agree with Alex, Fabulous, I should say ANOTHER of your amazing shots, Fella. by the way, can you ID the hawk for me, in my latest pics, many thanks :)
Guest - Jan 27, 2007 12:34 AM EDT
Amazing shot.

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