Peace Offering

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Member: Jocelynne
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A couple days ago, Parker hit a tree with a baseball bat and a few minutes later a tree branch hit him in the lip. So I told him that the tree was probably mad at him for hitting it. So he took some dandylions and put them in the tree. The next day, he did it again. So I snapped a few shots of the "peace offering". Different tree, this one he didn't hit and it didn't hit him. I think he is making up for all the trees he's hit in the past, since these two instances of "flowering the tree" are the first times he's ever done that.


Guest - Apr 14, 2005 10:08 AM EDT
These are weeds actually, so I have informed him that they are the only ones he CAN pick. Last year he "fought" all our tulips and such, and we've been drilling it into his head that he must not do that again this year. It broke my heart to walk out the door and see my poor flowers "beheaded" on the walk. I don't think he'll do that again this year. So far so good!
Guest - Apr 14, 2005 01:05 AM EDT
A very charming photo.
Guest - Apr 13, 2005 10:39 PM EDT
I really like the photo, Jocelynne, but I can't help wondering how you're going to raise the subject of picking flowers, with Parker :)

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