Painted trillium

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Painted trillium.


Alfresco - Apr 05, 2009 10:49 PM EDT
Very nice shot of the trilliums! We have a lot of the white trilliums around here, but the nearest painteds I know of are about 50 miles away in the hills above the Finger Lakes; I used to photograph them every spring, but haven't been there for several years.
shutterbug - Apr 05, 2009 04:37 PM EDT
Thanks Chriss, they grow right next to our back lawn as we go into a trail that is woodland, last year we had one with 4 petals,I shall be looking to see if that one blooms this year.
chriss35 - Apr 05, 2009 09:04 AM EDT
Carol, How lucky you are to have Trilliums as they are not a common plants, and they demand a special environment. They love to flourish in woodlands with leafy shades, did you know they belong to the Lily Family. Thanks for sharing this beautiful image, I have enjoyed viewing Chriss:)

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