Owl Hunting in Daytime

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Member: alandrapal
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owl -- hunting in the afternoon. we were hoping to capture some hawk images, when suddenly realized this is an owl :) It was very beautiful, wish I could have got a better shot of it.


Guest - Feb 19, 2007 11:31 PM EDT
Really great shot of the flying owl. Bit strange it was hunting during the day. Love the shot.
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 11:27 PM EDT
Hi again Fella, just went back and read again on the info Mary sent re the teleconverter, - taping the pins won't work on the 2X but only on the 1.4X. Is your teleconverter a Canon? Am wondrin if the Canon 1.4X might work better at auto focussing. It states on the literature that a/f of the teleconverter is supposed to work with the 100-400 L lens.
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 11:12 PM EDT
just saw your most recent comment, you were writing it while I was writing my previous one, lol. Thanks for the tips. Mary sent me some info about "taping the pins" on the 1.4X teleconverter, which enables it to autofocus. I must read up more on that, and see if I can get mine to work by doing this.
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 11:08 PM EDT
thanks Fella, have just been checking all your gallery out, guess I missed several when in hosp. This owl did land on a fence post in the field opposite, but not for long enough. Hope to see it again. First time we'd seen one of these short eared owls, I wasn't even sure which type it was :)
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 11:07 PM EDT
hi alandra ...i see that u do use a teleconverter ...ive got one to 2x..i rarly use it if at all anymore ..always have a hard time focusing have manual focus if it does focus to slow ..plus it gives you a darker image with it as with out..so i basically leave it in the bag now ..hint on getting close to eagles ..is getem while they just ate ..there lazy right after ..and juevys are more curious than the full baldy so ease up on them and dont give full eye contact if they think ya cant see them there more at ease..sometimes if ya can catch them on a windy day which is pretty common huh .. play the wind n light ya might get lucky and have the wind slow them down enough to get some good ones ..if ya think ur a eagle u become one ..im kidding now ..my eagle shot he was actually curious about the beebing of the cam focusing ..that was cool ..happy shooting glad yr feeling better,,fella
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 09:19 PM EDT
great shot of a moving owl ..hard to do ..looks like a short eared one ..ya keep a eye on them theyll land ..they like to zigzag ..great find anyway always a bonus to find one even to be able to get a shot off..fella
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 02:12 PM EDT
WOW!! great capture.
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 12:25 PM EDT
thanks Steve, well this was about the lowest height the owl was, or closest also, that it was. I got several shots as it soared over the field on opposite side of road, but it was too far away really. Lovely to watch tho', esp with the sun shining thru its wings
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 09:57 AM EDT
I think you caught it pretty well anyway, Alandra. What a great thing to see, and you must have reacted very quickly with your camera!

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