Owl Blue Moon

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the parent owl atop the nest tree. The parent flew in with some food for the babies just as we were leaving, so captured a few shots as she landed atop the nest tree. In the original, you can see its eyes glowing red. Not sure if it will show up in compressed version here.
There was one baby in the nest, but it had been out, flying back just as dusk was falling.


Wilma - Aug 21, 2010 01:02 PM EDT
I can see the eyes and indeed and it's an incredible shot. Owls are one of my favorites. I've collected them in many forms over the years, but lack of space has nudged me to part with many of them. This one is certainly eligible for a magazine cover. Wilma
Guest - Oct 02, 2007 02:35 AM EDT
Hi Don, thanks for the great comment, happy you like it. Can you see the hint of red in the owl's eyes? I can just make it out on this screen. Am not sure if I have these images now, as it was sometime ago that they were taken (May 2005) - will check on the CD backups - but all I know is that there are loads of repeated images on the cd's,as the puter was already acting up before crashing. Have not seen this one or the others taken at the same time, on the external hard drive backups, not sure why.
Guest - Oct 01, 2007 11:37 PM EDT
This is an incredible shot, wow!
Guest - Aug 16, 2005 02:39 PM EDT
Interesting! I don't have P.S.P but several other editors. I'll have to take a look at what they can do.
Guest - Aug 16, 2005 12:31 PM EDT
thanks Kathy. In the original, you can just see the red eyes of the owl. It was quite high on the tree, and I don't have that great a telephoto on my camera, so it's a wonder I get any of these telephoto shots : ) No, it's not the gazing ball. Just put the original (cropped) pic into a circle on Paint Shop Pro. very easy to do : )
Guest - Aug 16, 2005 09:30 AM EDT
Nice shot and a very interesting background. Is that your gazing ball?
Guest - Aug 03, 2005 12:58 AM EDT
thanks Beverly, - will look forward to seeing your baby owl series, - am sure they'll be excellent if they are anything like your other bird photos. fabulous.
Guest - Aug 02, 2005 06:54 PM EDT
Excellent shot! I love owls too and have a series of documentation of a family of baby owls that I'll hopefully get uploaded someday.
Guest - May 18, 2005 11:31 AM EDT
thanks, Nate. thought the same thing. glad you like it.
Guest - May 09, 2005 01:40 PM EDT
I can sort of see the red eyes. great pic, I wish I had more owls in my city lol
Guest - May 06, 2005 01:44 PM EDT
thanks, happy you like it, Carol : )
Guest - May 05, 2005 03:43 PM EDT
This is really Beautiful. Carol
Guest - May 05, 2005 02:31 PM EDT
thanks very much, Gary, appreciate your praise and am happy you like the owl pics : ) my pleasure to share them
Guest - May 03, 2005 12:26 PM EDT
Wow! What a wonderful shot! You are to be congratulated for this owl series.
Guest - May 03, 2005 11:58 AM EDT
thanks Tam. the eyes show up in the original, larger size shot, but not in this compressed version.
Guest - May 02, 2005 09:17 PM EDT
gorgeous shot i can;t really see the red eyes But his is beautiful

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