Owl #3 Great Horned Owl

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Member: alandrapal
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another view of a great horned owl near our home.


Guest - Aug 20, 2006 04:44 PM EDT
not to worry, Anne, and many thanks for the kind comments, am so happy you get pleasure from the photos : )
Guest - Aug 20, 2006 04:02 PM EDT
*LOL* I got carried away and said wrong word. I meant owl, of course. I hope my kids don't see this. *LOL*
Guest - Aug 20, 2006 03:54 PM EDT
Your hawk is looking right at me, saying, I am the greatest, so take a good look." Like the King holding court. *g* You capture all these wonderful expressions in your pictures and they wonderful. Many blessings for the joy your pictures give us.
Guest - Sep 01, 2004 04:17 AM EDT
thanks, Brian. No, didn't use a telephoto lens, some of these owls were perched on lower branches in the cottonwoods, so it was just luck. They were taken with my first little "point and shoot" digital camera. They really stare at and watch our "Labs", and perhaps they recognize us, as we saw them day after day for several months. The young owls are quite funny, as they bob their heads when watching the dogs, and their heads seem to go "in circles" as they watch us : ) What amazes me is the silent flight of these large owls. If we wait around until it gets closer to dusk, then the owls begin flying around, from tree to tree before they go hunting in the fields. And we have also watched a pair of hummingbirds "attack" an owl on several occasions, when the owl was perched too close to the hummer's nest, I guess. The hummingbirds were dive bombing the owl, coming within inches from the large bird. But of course, the owl wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to the frantic hummer parents. Interesting to watch and we feel fortunate to have seen all this.
Guest - Sep 01, 2004 12:14 AM EDT
Great shot of the owl. Did you have to use a telephoto lens or was he really close?
Guest - Aug 31, 2004 08:48 PM EDT
thanks, Alex. Yeah, know what you mean. This one seems to be really peering at me : ) and the one in the young owl pic really has a "bemused" look.
Guest - Aug 16, 2004 05:04 PM EDT
Great shot, its nice of all of those owls to sit for you.

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