Over Loaded

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Member: lorraine
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This poor ute was slighty overloaded with stock, the driver was taking it very careful and the 4 bulls on the back were standing, nice and quite.


lorraine - Jan 23, 2008 03:40 PM EDT
Thanks Whittler for looking in, you are right, the poor ute though.
whittler113 - Jan 23, 2008 08:30 AM EDT
Thats a lotta bull (LOL)and a neat shot Lorraine,well done.
lorraine - Jan 21, 2008 01:47 PM EDT
Hi Alan, thanks for looking in, there was quite a bit of weight on the back of that ute, over here driving on the left is right and on the right is wrong :)
bubbalinn - Jan 21, 2008 08:40 AM EDT
Hi Lorraine, What a fun photo to view.. The back tires do look like there whining about the weight. It does not look like the driver is taking it easy, he's going down the wrong side of the road. ROFL...

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