Our Pink Rose

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pink rose growing in our back garden,(uncropped as like the greenery around it) - uncared for and yet it's done better than the roses out front that we tried to care for, without success. Suddenly noticed this one lovely bloom there. I can't even recall planting it there!, plus it's in a shady area.


Guest - Aug 31, 2007 02:47 AM EDT
that's nice of you, Susan and Anne, am happy you liked it. thankyou, your comments are appreciated.
Guest - Aug 30, 2007 06:12 PM EDT
Just a wonderful job on this photo. You got the color so vividly beautiful.
Guest - Aug 30, 2007 06:33 AM EDT
What a beautiful rose and the colour is great, love all the greenery around it, makes it stand out so well.
Guest - Jul 12, 2007 06:26 AM EDT
thankyou Tam and Alex. this hot weather is really "bringing it out" - it looked even more lovely today.
Guest - Jul 11, 2007 01:46 PM EDT
Beautiful closeup I can just smell it
Guest - Jul 11, 2007 09:29 AM EDT
WOW!! very nice.
Guest - Jul 10, 2007 03:46 PM EDT
thankyou Lorraine, yes, that seems to be the way things go. We had roses out front that were supposed to be "black spot" free, but they got it too, and ended up going to nothing, after a couple years of being great.
Guest - Jul 10, 2007 03:21 PM EDT
Its a lovely bloom, isnt it always the way, the forgotten ones always look better than the care for ones, it very pretty.

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