Our New RV (or Vardo)- by request

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Member: TravlynWomyn
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About This Image

Corbin, et al, this was the most compact way to show you more photos of our new rolling home. Enjoy. The background is - obviously - by the campground on the NC Outer Banks where we're hopefully at through Labor Day!


Guest - May 28, 2005 10:31 AM EDT
Thank you Corbin and Alandra - were these the outside pics you were looking for, Corbin? We pull it with a 2004 Dodge Ram 3/4 ton diesel, 4-door, long box pick-up truck. (with an extra 48 gal fuel tank in the box). Alandra - you commented on the first photo I posted, showing the living room area. This is a sneaky way to utilize ocean scenes too! I did something similar with the Bodie Island Lighthouse photo. I'm glad you like it. And I cheated on the bedroom photo, using one I took of the same layout at a campground, so you could see the huge shower reflected in the closet mirror.
Guest - May 28, 2005 02:34 AM EDT
Hi Vicki, am sure I commented earlier on this, - but don't see it here now. anyway, you did a great job of it, and I recall commenting on the sea as the background, really nice.
Guest - May 27, 2005 10:42 PM EDT
thank you very much for posting this.. what a great RV... I am sure you will enjoy living in it.
Guest - May 25, 2005 06:47 PM EDT
Hee hee! I had my tenting days - and loved them - but have to admit - this is oohhh, sooo comfortable! Let me know when you start RV looking- and be prepared - like I said - this is NOT considered high-end! (Some have fireplaces, computer tables, sunken living rooms with French doors between the living and kitchen areas, etc., etc!!!! I'm glad you lked the presentation!
Guest - May 25, 2005 04:44 PM EDT
OK I want one now. Oh so nice. You know you did this so well I could see it being used for advertising purposes. Gorgeous home on wheels

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